• Guests rate their experience of RCN as an 8.5
  • All our profit distribution go to a good cause
  • Unforgettable for young and old

Refer a friend

The Ask a Friend Programme

Frequently asked questions

  1. What is the Ask a Friend programme?

The Ask a Friend Programme means that if you are an employee or former employee that worked in 2023 or 2024 at RCN Holiday Parks, you can refer friends to RCN as potential employees. You can nominate people like friends, acquaintances, neighbours, classmates or even old colleagues. Anybody, irrespective of age, wherever they live or whatever their nationality, etc.


  1. How does it work?

It’s very simple.

  • Complete the form on the page "Ask a Friend" with the name, telephone number and e-mail address of your friend.
  • Does your friend already have a preference for one of the parks? Then a colleague from that park will contact him/her. Your friend does not yet have a preference for one of the parks? No problem! Then we will find out together and HR will contact him/her. In both cases, your friend will hear from us within 5 (working) days.
  • Hired? Yes! Your friend can start working in a holiday atmosphere :-)


If your friend starts working for RCN Holiday Parks

Then we have good news... We really appreciate it that you have taken the trouble to refer someone to us. Because of you and your friend, RCN ensure that guests enjoy a wonderful holiday. And that’s why you will be receiving a gift voucher worth € 100.


  1. Why does RCN Holiday Parks have a Ask a Friend Programme?

RCN needs a lot of seasonal and other workers every year to ensure that we offer our guests the best holiday possible, whether in front of, or behind, the scenes. We are very pleased with you and want more employees to work with the same commitment and pleasure. New, enthusiastic employees means that we can offer our guests in our holiday parks even more. 


  1. Can all current and former employees of RCN Holiday Parks make use of the programme?

By all means! If you work, or have worked in 2023 or 2024, for RCN at one of our 18 holiday parks, then you can nominate someone via the Ask a Friend Programme.

  1. How do I refer a friend?

You can enter the details of your friend or friends on this page. We need their names, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers. You can also say whether they have a preference for a country and/or specific RCN park. Make sure that you have your friends’ permission before you give us their details.


  1. What should I tell my friend?

RCN will contact your friend within 5 days. We will ask about any preferences, work experience and availability in a telephone conversation or by e-mail. If no preferences have yet been indicated, we will discuss together which country, park and function best suits your friend.


  1. How many friends can I refer?

You can refer as many friends as you want.


  1. Who keeps track of how many friends I’ve referred?

Our recruitment department monitors the whole process and makes sure that you are informed if a friend is employed.


  1. When do I get my € 100 gift voucher?

When your recommended friend has worked at least one fulltime week, you will receive a €100 gift voucher. This will usually be the week after your new colleague's starting date!


  1. How is the gift voucher issued?

You will receive a digital choice gift voucher. You can choose a specific gift voucher yourself in the digital environment of the gift service.  


  1. What if my question isn’t here?

Send your question to: recruitment@rcn.nl.