The Adventure Trail

For real explorers

Do you love adventure and discovering new places? Then the Adventure Trail is for you!

At every RCN Holiday Park, there are different Adventure Trail posts and these form your Adventure Trail. When you arrive at the park, you will be given your own Adventure Card. You can follow the tail on your own with this or you can join up with Club Sammy at weekends and in the school holidays.

If you want to start preparing for your Adventure Trail beforehand at home, you can! See our Club Sammy colouring pages or help Emma find her binoculars.

How does the Adventure Trail work?
It’s simple. We explain it step by step.
Emma icoon kruimelpadStep 1: Look for a trail

There are six Adventure Trails spread all over the RCN Holiday Park. You can spot them by the blue signs on the poles. Can you find one?

Alex icoon KruimelpadStep 2: The task

Have you found an Adventure Trail? Great! On the Adventure Trail pole there’s a task. It’s this task that you have to carry out as a real adventurer.

Extra fun: the tasks have different themes and change once a week, so if you are staying at the holiday park for more than a week or if you come back more often, there are always new tasks to carry out.

Sammy icoon kruimelpadStep 3: The sticker

Did you manage to finish your task? Then you are doing well. Show your completed task at reception or to the recreation and you will get a sticker!

icoon Club Sammy kruimelpadStep 4: Finished?

If you have finished all the tasks and your Adventure Card is full, high five! You can now go and pick up a nice present at reception or at the recreation desk.